Sunday, June 6, 2010


Sunday morning and a lazy one at that.
But, since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I try to keep on top of putting some healthy food into my body. (alongside coffee of course)

A simple breakfast today; I prepared an open faced fried egg on a thin toasted and buttered bun, topped with garden grown chives.

Courtesy of
The protein in eggs can help you lose weight by controlling the rate at which your body absorbs calories. A recent study compared an egg-based breakfast to a bagel-based breakfast, each containing the same number of calories. Those who ate eggs for breakfast consumed 163 fewer calories at lunch, felt less hungry and ate 418 less calories over a 24-hour period.*
When managing your weight, choose foods that provide the maximum amount of nutrition for the least amount of calories. Eggs are great nutritional value for those trying to lose or maintain weight. A large egg contains 14 essential nutrients, but just 70 calories.

1 comment:

  1. I love the information on eggs! We have become grand egg fans in our house and it is good to know we are on the right track.
